Dr. S. Lalnunpuia, Librarian(Sr. Sel Gr)
Govt. T. Romana College was established in the year 1992, the college library also shares the same year functioned in a small room with a very few collection. At first, the collections are mainly donations from the staffs and donor families. However, year by year the college library sees a tremendous growth and development both in the collection and materials. The college library has been shifted five times within the college campus which is mainly due to the development of college infrastructures. It is now located at a separate new building on the college new campus at Republic Vengthlang, with good environment and an ideal place for accessing. Starting with a meager collection, it now is in a position to cope with the advancement and development of ICT. The college library is now serving as the visible centre of information.
The College Library maintains the following cells and sections:
1. Readers Section: The college library holds a sitting capacity of about 80 readers at a time.
2. Periodicals Section: The college library maintains a separate section for periodicals. It subscribes subject Journals, subject related magazines and daily newspapers:
3. Back Volume: Back volume of Journals, Magazines, Newspapers and Question papers are maintained in bound forms..jpeg)
4. Circulation Section: Charging and discharging of books and documents is done by automation of computer using INFLIBNET library software ‘SOUL 2.0’.
5. Property Counter: Library property counter is placed at the entrance in an open shelf running without Cataloguing system.
6. Document Section: Important documents like University Exam Results, College Achievements, Record of Students’ Union, Statistical Handbook, Government Gazette Notifications, Census Records etc, are kept in the document section. Rare books of any kind are also collect and stored in this section.
7. Visitor Register: Visitor register is placed and maintain at the entrance of the library.
8. Automation of Library: The College library is automated using INFLIBNET library software ‘SOUL’ 2.0. It is used in circulation, stock verification, OPAC search, etc.
9. Budget: A sum of Rs 250/- is collected to each student for Library fees during Admission. It is managed well and is used to purchase books and other materials for the growth of the Library.
10. Staff Strength: There is one qualified Librarian (Sr,Sel.Gr) and one Library Assistant only working in the Library regularly.
11. Classification System: The College Library uses 23rd Edition of Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme (DDC) for classifying books. Books are kept according to subject, each in a separate shelf in an open access system..jpeg)
12. Number of books: The College Library holds a number of 10,829 books in the Library, which consist of mainly relevant text books. Other collections consist of reference books, suggested books, local books published, etc.
13. Network Resource Centre: UGC sponsored Network Resource Centre with 4 sets of computer is placed in the Library. The computers have an access to network readily accessible for the students and faculties. One System Administrator is engaged to supervise the NRC.
14. E-Resources: The College Library subscribes the facility of UGC’s N-LIST. All the teaching faculties are given their own ID to enable to access the e-resources. This e-resources facility is also available in the Library for student’s users.
15. Library Committee: An efficient library committee is formed for maintaining and developing the college library. The committee serves as interpreters of the requirement of the Library and provides support to the Librarian to defend important decisions having implications for the users. The library committee also performs such other functions like, providing suitable Library furniture and equipment, laying down sound Library rules, making provision for adequate services, and it also made provisions for suitable funds for procurement of documents, etc. The committee is held monthly and also convenes as and when necessary..jpeg)